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商品详细Glen research/dA-PACE Phosphoramidite/1kit/10-1140-02
Glen research/dA-PACE Phosphoramidite/1kit/10-1140-02
Glen research/dA-PACE Phosphoramidite/1kit/10-1140-02
商品编号: 10-1140-02
品牌: Glenresearch
市场价: ¥10625.00
美元价: 6375.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
公司分类: Ceramides
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Technical Documents
Intellectual Property
Dilution/Coupling Data

Technical Documents

Safety Data Sheet


Glen Report 20.21: Phosphonoacetate (PACE) Oligonucleotides Introduction

Glen Report 20.22: Synthesis, Cleavage and Deprotection of PACE Oligonucleotides

Glen Report 21.26: Non-Aqueous Oxidation for PACE Chemistry

Glen Report 30.13: Significant Improvement of CRISPR Specificity with 2"-OMe-PACE Modifications

Glen Report 30.14: Use of 2"-OMe-PACE Monomers During Oligo Synthesis


Phosphonoacetate (PACE) modified oligonucleotides show great potential as biological modifiers in a wide variety of research applications. PACE monomers are part of a family of Phosphonocarboxylate monomers. The monomers can be easily incorporated into complex oligonucleotides and are compatible with a wide variety of other sugar or heterobase modifications. PACE DNA can be conjugated through the carboxylic acid functional group. They have been shown to be active in siRNA duplexes and accelerate the initial rate of cleavage by RNase H-1 when incorporated with phosphorothioates. However, the most interesting observation to date is that they exhibit an unprecedented enhancement in penetration of cultured cells. T

he phosphonoacetates are fully soluble in acetonitrile at a recommended concentration of 0.1M and are compatible with standard DNA synthesizers. A recommended coupling time of 33.3 minutes with 1H-Tetrazole is necessary when using the standard protocol. A modified LV cycle for AB instruments that reduces coupling time to 15 minutes with 1H-Tetrazole is available on our website. Oxidation must precede capping in the synthesis cycle. Reagents for oxidation depend on the type of synthesis. For fully modified oligos, we recommend the non-aqueous oxidizer camphorsulfonyloxaziridine (CSO) as a 0.1M solution. For mixed phosphodiester and phosphonoacetate modified oligos, a 0.5M CSO solution is recommended. Low water oxidizer, 40-4032, is an alternative oxidizing reagent although it has been reported that this can result in conversion of a small percentage of the phosphonoacetate to the phosphodiester. We also recommend the use of the Cap Mix B with DMAP (40-4020) instead of the standard Cap Mix B containing 1-Methylimidazole.

The standard protocol for cleavage and deprotection requires a two step method with pretreatment using 1,8-Diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) and subsequent cleavage using methylamine. The DBU is used to deprotect the dimethylcyanoethyl (DMCE) protecting groups and to prevent alkylation of the bases during deprotection. Cleavage with 40% methylamine in water is recommended and we have also had good results when using AMA deprotection.



  • Coupling: 33 minutes with 1H-Tetrazole Activator.||Synthesis: Oxidize before capping.Use either low water, low iodine oxidizer (Cat.# 40-4032-xx) or 10-camphorsulfonyloxaziridine (CSO) in acetonitrile.When CSO is used, extend the oxidation time to 3 minutes.Use 0.5M CSO when oxidizing mixed PACE/phosphodiester linkages.When oxidizing only PACE linkages, 0.1 M CSO can be used.For Cap Mix B, use 6.5% DMAP in THF (Cat.# 40-4020-xx).An example of a PACE cycle for AB synthesizers can be seen at:|http://www.glenresearch.com/Technical/PACE_cycle.pdf
  • Deprotection: Pretreat synthesis column with 1.5% DBU in anhydrous acetonitrile for 60 minutes (syringe method).Wash with acetonitrile and dry with argon.Deprotect with 40% Methylamine for 20 minutes at 55°C.
DiluentAnhydrous Acetonitrile
StorageFreezer storage, -10 to -30°C, dry
Stability2-3 days

Intellectual Property

These products are covered by patents, US 6,693,187 and 7,067,641, and patents pending owned by Metasense Technologies. Purchase of all or any of these products includes a limited license to use the products solely for the manufacture of oligonucleotides for research use only. This license specifically excludes the use of the product or oligonucleotides containing the product for: (a) therapeutic or diagnostic applications (including kits, pools, libraries and other products or services that incorporate oligonucleotides containing the product), (b) any in vivo toxicity/safety study in support of an investigational new drug application (or foreign counterpart), or (c) resale (including sale of kits, pools, libraries and other products or services that incorporate the product or oligonucleotides containing the product). If such activities have commercial application, a separate license is required from Metasense Technologies. Neither the product nor any product created through its use may be used in human clinical trials.A simple agreement must be signed before end-users and custom oligo services may purchase these products for use as defined above.

Dilution/Coupling Data

The table below show pack size data and, for solutions, dilution and approximate coupling based on normal priming procedures.

ABI 392/394

Catalog #Pack SizeGrams/Pack0.1M Dil. (mL)Approximate Number of Additions
10-1140-020.25 g.25grams2.6976.3345.828.6320.8215.273.82
10-1140-050.5 g.5grams5.39166.3399.862.3845.3633.278.32
10-1140-101.0 g1grams10.78346207.6129.7594.3669.217.3


Catalog #Pack SizeGrams/PackDilution (mL)Approximate Number of Additions
10-1140-020.25 g.25grams4.020.077446.2533.644.63
10-1140-050.5 g.5grams8.040.07154.496.570.189.65
10-1140-101.0 g1grams16.080.07315.2197143.2719.7

Glen research对我们的员工,我们的客户和环境的承诺Maravai LifeSciences致力于在所有业务活动中成为环境,健康与安全(EHS)管理方面的领导者,符合Maravai LifeSciences的商业利益和行为准则。我们承诺:雇员我们将通过提供零伤害的工作场所来预防伤害和疾病并促进健康的生活方式,从而对每位员工产生积极影响。我们将确保我们的员工具有执行此政策的意识,工具和知识。可持续发展我们将通过使用确保安全,效率和社会责任的商业惯例,以现在和将来保护我们的员工,社区,股东和环境的方式,进行可持续思考和采取行动。合规我们将遵守适用的法律和法规,同时提供程序和程序以确保我们的遵守。文化我们将通过停工授权,查明根本原因并采取纠正措施,倡导一种不容忍不安全状况和行为的文化。业务整合我们会将环境,健康和安全考虑因素纳入我们的业务活动。顾客我们将与客户紧密合作,以帮助他们满足其环境,健康和安全需求。供应商和承包商我们将与我们的供应商和承包商合作,以改善环境,健康和安全绩效。社区与政府我们将参与社区和政府的环境,健康和安全计划。这些价值观得到了Maravai高层管理人员的重视,并在组织内的所有责任级别得到强调。卡尔·赫尔(Carl Hull)首席执行官