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商品详细格伦研究公司/3'-dA CPG/1kit/20-2104-41E
格伦研究公司/3'-dA CPG/1kit/20-2104-41E
格伦研究公司/3'-dA CPG/1kit/20-2104-41E
商品编号: 20-2104-41E
品牌: Glenresearch
市场价: ¥13500.00
美元价: 8100.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 电生理设备
公司分类: Electrophysiological
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
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Glen Report 8.14: 3"-Terminators

Glen Report 5-14: Blocking the Termini of Oligonucleotides


Cellular DNA and RNA are made up of ribo- and 2"-deoxyribonucleic acids linked together via 3"-5" phosphodiester linkages and by far comprise the bulk of polynucleic acids found in cells. Much less common are oligonucleotides which have 2"-5" linkages. However, a unique feature of 2"-5" linked oligonucleotides is their ability to bind selectively to complementary RNA. These features suggest a number of interesting uses for 2"-5" linked oligos such as their use as RNA specific probes or in antisense oligos. Recently, oligos have been synthesized using 3"-deoxy-2"-phosphoramidites and 2"-deoxy-3"-phosphoramidites to produce chimeras with 2"-5" linked ends and 3"-5" linked central regions. It was found that 2"-5" phosphorothioate oligos: 1) bind selectively to complementary RNA with the same affinity as phosphodiester oligos; 2) exhibit much less nonspecific binding to cellular proteins; 3) do not activate RNase H. A 3"-deoxynucleoside at the 3"-terminus of an otherwise normal oligonucleotide effectively blocks polymerase extension.



  • Coupling: This support should be used in a manner identical to normal protected nucleoside support since it contains the DMT group.
  • Deprotection: Deprotect using the protocol required by the nucleobases.
StorageControlled room temperature or lower, dry

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