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【正牌代理】astatech公司 astatech公司优质代理
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09
【正牌代理】astatech公司 astatech公司优质代理签约代理www.aatbio.com.cn上海通善生物科技有限公司主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清生化试剂ELISA试剂盒抗体抗原细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。【正牌代理】astatech公司 astatech公司优质代理销售热线:400-968-7988QQ:1465907913


ag scientific

生化试剂Hello everyone, my name is Chip Lindgren and I am the Founder & President of AG Scientific, Inc. We are an 18 year old company focused on advancing drug development via innovative biochemicals for preclinical research, as well as, custom raw materials for diagnostic test development.images/ >上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。

AHF analysentechnik AG

荧光和激光光谱光学过滤器 ICP-MS,ICP-OES附件 高纯度PFA实验设备超痕量分析In 1981 Helmut Feuerbacher founded AHF analysentechnik as an engineering office specialized on custom-made products for plasma-emission-spectroscopy. Since its founding AHF has won numerous additional business fields. In 1999 AHF was incorporated as AHF analysentechnik AG. AHF focuses on the production and distribution of products in the following three core business fields:Optical filters for Raman, fluorescence and laser spectroscopySample introduction components and consumables for plasma spectroscopy (ICP-MS, ICP-OES accessories)High purity PFA labware for ultra trace analysishttps://www.ahf.de/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


离子通道抗体Alomone 公司是一家位于耶路撒冷的以色列著名的生物科技公司,专著于提供生命科学细胞生物学试剂和服务。http://www.alomone.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


医药科研产品Process of AngiogenesisPhysiological and pathological angiogenesisAlmost all tissues develop a vascular network that provides cells with nutrients and oxygen and enables them to eliminate metabolic wastes. Once formed, the vascular network is a stable system that regenerates slowly.In physiological conditions, angiogenesis occurs primarily in embryo development, during wound healing and in response to ovulation.However, pathological angiogenesis, or the abnormal rapid proliferation of blood vessels, is implicated in over 20 diseases, including cancer, psoriasis and age-related macular degeneration.The angiogenic sequenceThe angiogenic process, as currently understood, can be summarized as follows:A cell activated by a lack of oxygen releases angiogenic molecules that attract inflammatory and endothelial cells and promote their proliferation.During their migration, inflammatory cells also secrete molecules that intensify the angiogenic stimuli.The endothelial cells that form the blood vessels respond to the angiogenic call by differentiating and by secreting matrix metalloproteases (MMP), which digest the blood-vessel walls to enable them to escape and migrate toward the site of the angiogenic stimuli.Several protein fragments produced by the digestion of the blood-vessel walls intensify the proliferative and migratory activity of endothelial cells, which then form a capillary tube by altering the arrangement of their adherence-membrane proteins.Finally, through the process of anastomosis, the capillaries emanating from the arterioles and the venules will join, thus resulting in a continuous blood flow.The normal regulation of angiogenesis is governed by a fine balance between factors that induce the formation of blood vessels and those that halt or inhibit the process. When this balance is destroyed, it usually results in pathological angiogenesis which causes increased blood-vessel formation in diseases that depend on angiogenesis. More than 20 endogenous positive regulators of angiogenesis have been described, including growth factors, matrix metalloproteinases, cytokines, and integrins. Growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factors (TGF-beta), fibroblast growth factors (FGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), angiogenin, can induce the division of cultured endothelial cells thus indicating a direct action on these cells.However, other factors have virtually no effect on the division of cultured endothelial cells or, in the case of TGF-beta and TNF-alpha, paradoxically inhibit their growth indicating that their angiogenic action is indirect.http://www.angioworld.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


中间体Founded in 1996 by former scientists working with leading pharmaceutical companies, AstaTech is one of earliest chemistry CRO companies in the United States and continues to see growth. Today, we have more than 100 chemists (40% PH.D or MS degree level) and serve 1000 companies worldwide. We offer over 10000 advanced intermediates and drug-like building blocks. 75% of our catalog products are available in stock and 10% products can be scaled up to kg / MT scales. By combing our chemistry expertise and our economic manufacturing capabilities, AstaTech can deliver chemistry solution from drug discovery to manufacturing with high quality at competitive costs.http://www.astatechinc.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


抗体 美国公司美国公司,主营生物素化酶,体外生物素化缓冲器,细胞体内生物素化,蛋白质纯化以及鉴定,纯化蛋白及支出化学品,含shRNA的表达克隆载体http://www.avidity.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。




血清BioClot is a leading manufacturer and distributor specialising in quality Animal Blood Serum and related products. Company products are used in the pharmaceutical industry, vaccination production and other applications.We are pleased to help you to find what you are looking for. If you are searching for products which you do not find on our website, we will find it for you!Many of our items can be packaged using your companys own or neutral label for no extra charge.Please contact for details.images/spanspan >上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


SCHMIDT BioMedTech represents leading manufacturers supplying operating theatre equipment and apparatus, critical care monitoring equipment and instruments, diagnostic imaging, pharmaceuticals, laboratory equipment and analytical equipment to clinics, hospitals, research institutes and universities as well as selective technical industries.Since its early beginnings, SCHMIDT BioMedTech has always placed special emphasis on the distribution of high quality apparatus, instruments and equipment. Today, SCHMIDT BioMedTech is the leading value-added distributor of quality hospital, medical, scientific and technology equipment, catering to an ever-growing range of customers in Asia Pacific. SCHMIDT BioMedTech is also instrumental in the transfer of new technologies to Asia Pacific.http://www.schmidtbmt.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


体外诊断CINAkit CMVH ppUL83 (pp65)货号19-0028In 2013, bioMérieux celebrated a major milestone, our 50th anniversary. Our development during these years has been driven by a pioneering spirit and unrelenting commitment to improve public health worldwide. Today, in more than 150 countries through 42 subsidiaries and a large network of distributors, bioMérieux provides diagnostic solutions that improve patient health and ensure consumer safety.http://www.biomerieux.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


丹麦公司Bioporto Diagnostics和Antibody shop诊断早期急性肾损伤的NGAL ELISA kit评估原发性免疫缺陷的MBL Oligomer ELISA kit科研用试剂盒和抗原抗体检测人体血浆中的活性蛋白C-蛋白C抑制物(APC-PCI)复合物的APC-PCI ELISA kit高纯度人IgE单克隆抗体Glucagon-like peptide-1和Exendin-4相关的单抗NGAL——急性肾损伤的敏感标志BioPorto Diagnostics A/S is an in-vitro diagnostics company that provides healthcare professionals in clinical and research settings a range of diagnostic tests and antibodies. Our pioneering product portfolio includes assays for underserved disease states such as NGAL for acute kidney injury. We sell our products in more than 80 countries through diverse sales channels and partners. BioPorto has its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark and is listed on the Nasdaq Copenhagen stock exchange.http://www.bioporto.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


探针 美国公司美国一家生产双标记探针、fish探针,自定义寡核苷酸的合成公司https://www.biosearchtech.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


化合物 瑞士公司瑞士Biosynth是欧洲最大的合成化学、荧光显色酶制剂公司,国内常称呼为宝欧信特,目前无中国区分公司,该公司生产的原料世界顶尖级,多用于制药类。国内市场一般多用于科研。images/index.php >上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。






About UsCell Sciences is an innovative company serving the life science community as a supplier of quality research antibodies, proteins and immunoassay kits.Our products include ELISA and ELISPOT kits, flow cytometry reagents, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, native and recombinant proteins, cell lysates, and other associated reagents. These products address research in human, non-human primate, and small and large animal models. Cell Sciences offers a diverse range of research and development tools including cytokines, chemokines, CD antigens, adhesion molecules, ECM molecules, growth factors, hormones, enzymes, kinases, phosphatases, signal transduction mediators, viral proteins, and toxins.We are passionate about providing the highest quality products and customer support to advance research and product development in fields such as immunology, inflammation, innate immunity, developmental biology, apoptosis, cell differentiation, cancer, stem cell research, coagulation, thrombolysis, hematology, endocrinology, neurobiology, angiogenesis, tissue engineering, and wound healing.http://www.cellsciences.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


抗体 细胞因子 美国公司美国公司,专门提供高质量的免疫试剂的趋化因子和细胞因子抗体。http://www.chemokine.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


标记试剂 荧光染料以及交联剂美国一家小众里知名生物公司,国内通常称呼为CCT,生产有浓缩介质,代谢标记试剂,生物素标记试剂,荧光染料以及交联剂。https://clickchemistrytools.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。

Corden Pharma

抗生素CordenPharma is an expert Contract Manufacturing partner helping leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies link their requirements for product success with their patients’ healthier lives.Formed as a pharmaceutical branch of International Chemical Investors Group in 2006, CordenPharma provides specialised technologies that are ideal for the development and manufacturing of oral, sterile, highly potent and antibiotic pharmaceutical Drug Products, their Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, and associated Global Supply Chain and Packaging Services. http://www.cordenpharma.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


生物产品 日本公司日本一家大型生物公司,生产一部分,一小部分是代理,国内用户群颇多。https://www.cosmobio.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。

creative biomart



Since our establishment in 1989, Crystal Chem has come to specialize in providing high quality research kits to the scientific community. With over twenty five years of experience, Crystal Chem has proven itself over and over again in the marketplace. The company has successfully launched and marketed against firmly established players and has been cited in many scientific publications and recognized journals. In addition, we have developed a valuable network of contacts in the USA and other parts of the world. With this network in place, Crystal Chem is able to focus on the customer and offer high quality products at affordable prices. Crystal Chem’s strengths lay at its product quality, service, flexibility, and customer commitment.Where we do businessWe offer our products globally and reach customers in the USA, Europe, Canada and Asia. Crystal Chem has grown tremendously throughout the years due to the support of our customers and maintains a large worldwide customer base.http://www.crystalchem.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


生化试剂、实验室耗材images/spanspan >上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


生物制品原料 体外诊断 细胞培养产品 人血清 人类生物制品http://www.diagnovum.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


抗体Seit 1982 bieten wir unseren Kunden aus Forschung und Routine hochwertige Antik?rper, Immunoassays und Produkte für die Molekularbiologie.Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Ihre Fragestellung und beraten Sie gerne bei der optimalen Zusammenstellung von Prim?rantik?rpern, Sekund?rantik?rpern und Detektionssystemen für alle immunologischen Methoden vom ELISA über die Immunhistochemie und Immunfluoreszenz zum Western Blot.Im Bereich der DNA- & RNA-Isolation bieten wir innovative Produkte für die Aufreinigung von sauberen Nukleins?uren auch aus schwierigem Probenmaterial.Zudem entwickeln wir unter dem Namen OPTISTAIN ein kontinuierlich wachsendes Sortiment von Premium-Antik?rpern für den weltweiten Vertrieb.http://www.dianova.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


HIV-I试剂 HIV-I试剂盒 意大利生物公司DIATHEVA is an Italian biotechnology company located in Fano (PU) founded in 2002 with the aim to bring research into industrial products by cooperating with firms, public and private research institutions.DIATHEVA focuses on development, production and marketing of new and innovative products for diagnostic, research and therapeutic applications in the field of: Cancer, Microbial Infection and Pharmacogenetics, providing a wide range of reagents and kits for HIV-I study, pharmacogenetic tests for personalized and predictive medicine and innovative solutions for food safety.Since its foundation, DIATHEVA has been investing many resources in r&d activities: in particular the company has applied with success to many funded European and national research projects enlarging its collaborative and commercial network and acquiring an updated know-how.In 2009 in collaboration with other biotech firms in the Marche Region DIATHEVA founded Marche BIOTECH, an independent, non-profit association with the aim to promote the bioscience industry in Italy, to expand the knowledge and expertise of Marches business, concerning the life sciences.In 2012 DIATHEVA was acquired from SOL spa, the most innovative provider of gases in the industrial and medical sectors.Diatheva has a GMP facility, authorized by AIFA, to produce and release APIs for pre-clinical and clinical trials with a special emphasis on new immunogens against HIV and other microbial pathogens. At present, DIATHEVA has two promising anti-cancer scFv antibody in clinical trial studies and one scFv antibody for the treatment of Candida Albicans in discovery. The company has the experience, expertise, capacity, and flexibility to serve as strategic partner for drug development and manufacturing needs.DIATHEVA has a diversified range of activities, its main business model is based on development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative diagnostics kits. The company has also signed several R&D and GMP manufacturing contracts with Italian and foreign companies.DIATHEVA’s team is composed by qualified biologists, dynamic and complementary, with a robust scientific background and a wide range of skills.http://www.diatheva.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。

Eagle Manufacturing Company

安全罐(Safety Cans)、安全柜(Safety Cabinet)、防渗漏容器托盘(Spill Containment)、聚乙烯桶(Poly Drum)、烟蒂收集器(Cigarette Disposal)和各种防护装置(Guards & Protectors)EAGLE公司的塑料制品全部采用独特的无铅、无杂质100%可回收利用的高强度聚乙烯树脂新料。http://eagle-mfg.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。

Echelon Biosciences

抗体 酶 试剂盒 抑制剂Echelon Biosciences成立于1997年10月3日,总部坐落于在美国犹他州。从1997到2004,EBI主要用于政府的补助金以及产品的销售收入来资助其研究工作。2005年初,EBI的依特钠Zentaris购买 (NAS:AEZS)的MEP抗感染,PI3激酶小分子程序,目录业务,与科学专业。2007年末,前沿科学公司(FSI)在洛根,犹他州购买了EBI, 专业从事卟啉和硼化学。自公司成立以来以来,EBI保留了开发研究试剂脂质新的检测方法。不断开拓创新,从而推动药物研究的新发型。Echelon Biosciences目的在于进一步发展的脂质的细胞信号转导的关键代谢酶的科学,它提供了对癌症,心血管疾病疾病,糖尿病,炎症,感染的潜在的药物和诊断发展的新的和可行的目标。Echelon Biosciences为生命科学社区提供的产品包括:抗体 分析检测试剂盒抑制剂 细胞信号产品脂类代谢 标记物http://echelon-inc.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。




抗体(心血管研究类)德国一家主营二抗的公司,小鼠方面有世界专利,销售全球,很有实力的公司images/index.php >上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


Gene Synthesis ServiceDNA Sequencing ServiceCustom Cloning ServiceProtein Expression and PurificationDNA & RNA Purification KitsRecombinant Proteinshttp://www.epochlifescience.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


马具、动物耗材 澳大利亚公司澳大利亚公司,生产马用呼吸类用具,可用于雾化气体治疗类。http://www.eramask.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。


试剂盒(糖尿病研究) 抗体美国Exocell公司专注于生产提供糖尿病研究产品,包括人、小鼠、大鼠尿蛋白和糖基化蛋白,人纤连蛋白、载脂蛋白B等一系列试剂盒和抗体。http://www.exocell.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。

fine science tools

手术器械 美国公司美国一家做手术器械的公司 世界级http://www.finescience.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品以及仪器设备。



glen research

修饰RNA产品glen research总部位于比利时,在全球拥有多个办事处,经过多年发展,glen research现已成为生命科学领域优质产品与服务的代名词。glen research的修饰RNA产品和包装应用生物系统的仪器等都收到了海内外市场的高度评价。http://www.glenresearch.com/上海通善生物科技有限公司(www.aatbio.com.cn)主营细胞株和菌株、胎牛血清、生化试剂、ELISA试剂盒、抗体和抗原、细胞因子、技术服务、实验耗材和消耗品

本文链接: http://glenresearch.immuno-online.com/view-1531626934.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()